Dissento's (Culture) War Journal

Thursday, March 10, 2005
  A Bi-Partisan Stinker

The MBNA Uber-Alles Bankruptcy Bill is such a stinker even right-wing blogger are lining up against it. This is not a left v. right issue -- it's about Power v. the Powerless. Here's the blogger coalition site for more info. 

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
  Successful Socialized Medicine ... In America

In Timothy Noah's excellent Slate article he discusses the New England Journal of Medicine's study that compares fee-for-service hospitals with VA hospitals. The federally run VA hospitals were superior in every category.

This actually surprised me a bit, because I assumed the VA administration was underfunded, but Noah explains some of the obvious reasons why this is the case. Is there anything more frustrating that having the truth right in front of us and refusing to see it? 

A look at politics, media, current events, and the "culture wars."

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